Wednesday, April 11, 2007

(Not) Everything's Coming Up Roses

This is what's been keeping me busy in my spare time....wishing I had more land to grow more, but I'm making due with what I've got!


J. David Zacko-Smith said...

Very nice! I really enjoy puttering around in our similarly small garden area - it's just big enough to be interesting and keep me busy. You might want to try small trays of beer to kill slugs the safe way, or there is always the old fashioned slug bait. I use both.

Michael Guy said...

How divoon! I love your delphiniums(sp?) anyway...the tall blue ones. You have a green thumb!

"slugs?" Ish!

The Other Andrew said...


S said...

Very pretty.

The only colour we have up here is brown from the mud.

My adventures said...

your delphiniums are beatuiful!!!

RAD said...

Looks great!!!!!Thats my passion after work in the evenings--tend to my garden..planted a bunch a cannas and others bulbs last night long as the weather cooperates I am out poking in the yard...though I think I need to take a break tonite as I was moving a big pot that I had just planted a japanese maple in and it gave me a bit of a backache today...

Christopher said...

I love delphiniums...they only bloom once and then maybe a (pitiful) second time...otherwise,I'd plant nothing but...thanks for props y'all!

M- Filer said...

Nice garden. I love the tall blue conical flowers, I can't remember what they are called, but they are awesome

Wayne said...

your garden looks great!
And yes, I'll post pics as the season goes.

D-Man said...

Troy and I had great results with the non-toxic Escar-Go! brand slug bait. It apparently is safe around pets.

Eddie said...

They have soil that's mixed with awesome slug and bug killer. You should try mixing it with your current soil... those effing critters will bounce and you'll be whistling dixie in now time...

Whatever you have growing around your home looks really nice though...
